Working Around the Changing Seasons
The seasons are changing on us, and with new seasons comes new obstacles for recording headstones. Follow these tips as you continue taking photos during fall and winter. Leaves The leaves are falling, and they are making it hard to photograph headstones. Clearing off headstones…
BillionGraves Update 2.0.1
Version 2.0.1 is now available. While this update fixes minor issues, updating your app helps ensure everything is running smoothly. Don’t forget to update your BillionGraves app. Details for a Few Fixes: [list type=”check”] The Account View and Add Cemetery View display bug is fixed….
Organizing Teams for the BillionGraves iPad Giveaway
Are you trying to find motivation for where to donate youriPad 2? There are plenty of opportunities in your own community. We’ll give you an example. I recently spoke with a fourth grade teacher in my area. Her class has two autistic children in it….
The Importance of Staying Current
For those who are following the continuing steam of helpful updates, BillionGraves has recently released a version 2.0.1 of the BillionGraves app for Android and for Apple. While no solution is perfect, each step gets us closer. We try to not make it huge burden…
BillionGraves Team iPad Giveaway
BillionGraves wants to donate brand new iPads to the schools or charities of your choice. Hopefully lots of them! We are pleased to announce our first ever Team iPad Giveaway competition. This new contest will run from November 1st until the last day of 2011….
BillionGraves Team Achievements
All– Many of you have seen the event that we launched on Veterans Day in the US: Team iPad Giveaway In the effort to continue building a bevy of image-takers that can keep our powerful volunteer transcription team busy–we have launched the following event: BillionGraves…