Understanding Cemetery Symbols, Part I
Learning to Read a Cemetery: Understanding cemetery symbols can give you clues to your ancestor’s lives! And it will make your trips to the cemetery amazing! Do you remember when you learned to read? As a child, it was fun to look at pictures in…
7 Days to Organized Genealogy
When you first start doing genealogy you may not have many paper documents or photos. But as word gets out in your extended family that you are doing genealogy, relatives may begin to bring you their records. First, you may get an email from a…
50 Tips for Genealogy Goal-Setting
Genealogy goal-setting is not as common as setting goals to get organized, lose weight, or advance your career. But if you are a genealogist it may be one of the best things you could do this year. If you have never set genealogy goals before…
Christmas Genealogy Interviews
100 questions to ask your older relatives at your next family holiday gathering Christmas can be the perfect time to conduct genealogy interviews. Even though we would like to think grandma and grandpa’s tales of “Christmas past” will always be there for the retelling, it…
How to Use Your DNA Results to Find Your Ancestor’s Graves
Did you know there is a new way for you to use your DNA results to find your ancestor’s graves? If you combine the unique features of two great genealogical companies – BillionGraves and MyHeritage – you could uncover family history information that has been…