Congratulations to April’s Top BillionGraves photographer and transcriber contest winners!
For every new record that was added during the past month there will be someone, somewhere who will be SO happy to find their ancestor’s burial place. Thanks for making them smile!

April’s Top 3 Photographers:
Melyssawebb uploaded 18,945 photos!
Kevin uploaded 9954 photos!
Maples uploaded 7208 photos!
April’s Top 3 Transcribers:
OurFamilyBefore transcribed 20,000 records!
ladynwht transcribed 18,583 records!
lesleypacker transcribed 13,282 records!
April’s Six Random Winners:
These six winners were chosen randomly from the BillionGraves leaderboard by a generator:
DebJ with 2512 records transcribed
Adam Małecki with 5590 photos uploaded
jankryst with 2173 records transcribed
JWinters with 1963 photos uploaded
Piotr_Smiatacz with 2435 photos uploaded
Flavio Gomes 2220 photos uploaded
Thank you all for making so much new data available to the world through your hard work!
The Prizes

Each of these winners will receive an Esky wireless item locator with 1 transmitter and six receivers OR a $30 Amazon gift card.

And a special thank you to ALL the photographers and transcribers who participated!
Cathy Wallace and The BillionGraves Team
P.S. Now let’s go get a Million More in May!! May’s contest is now posted!