BillionGraves 2016 March Madness
It’s March again–and basketball fury’s in the air. The NCAA’s March Madness tournament is just around the corner! U.S. College basketball might not be for you, so we are bringing back our own BillionGraves bracket competition! It’s the annual “March 2016 BillionGraves Madness”! PRIZES: Top Prize: $50 Amazon Gift Card…
How to Find, Fix, and Edit BillionGraves Records
Training and Help Video Series Ten’s of thousands of records are created each day on the BillionGraves website. Occasionally mistakes are made during the transcription process that creates incomplete, inaccurate, or false records. This is VERY unfortunate as this makes the photo unsearchable to genealogists…
A State of Growth – 17 Million Records | 413,000+ Users!
The BillionGraves team is proud to announce that we have reached 17,000,000 million GPS headstone records, and 413,880 users! This is a big milestone in growth of BillonGraves! Thanks to all the contributors around the world! For those of you who prefer to see stats in a pretty…
A State of Growth – 16 Million Records | 320,000+ Users!
The BillionGraves team is proud to announce that we have reached 16,000,000 million GPS headstone records, and 320,907 users! This is a big milestone in growth of BillonGraves! Thanks to all the contributors around the world! For those of you who prefer to see stats in a pretty little…
A State of Growth – 15 Million Records | 251,000+ Users!
The BillionGraves team is proud to announce that we have reached 15,000,000 million GPS headstone records, and 251,912 users! This is a big milestone in growth of BillonGraves! Thanks to all the contributors around the world! For those of you who prefer to see stats in a pretty little…
June Get Active Challenge Winners!
First of all, a big THANK YOU to all the transcribers and photographers who participated this month in the June Get Active Challenge! The warmer weather and beautiful sunshine were a perfect combination to make it one of the best months of the year. This June was a…
June Get Active Challenge!
Fellow BillionGravers, Wow! What an amazing month of May, with 1,248,026 total contributions made. That’s insane! We are extremely grateful for all of you that helped reach this amazing milestone. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out our month-end wrap-up of our great success in May -> HERE …
1.2 Million More in May – 2015 Results!
1.2 Million More in May! The final results are in and the numbers speak for themselves! 668,233 photos were taken, 579,793 records were transcribed (with an additional 807,483 images waiting to be transcribed)! With over 22,500 new BillionGraves users! In total volunteers made over 1,248,026 contributions during the month of…
A State of Growth – 14 Million Records | 170,000+ Users!
The BillionGraves team is proud to announce that we have reached 14,000,000 million GPS headstone records, and 170,896 users! This is a big milestone in growth of BillonGraves! Thanks to all the contributors around the world! For those of you who prefer to see stats in a pretty little…
Million More in May Challenge 2015
Million More in May Madness 2015 Happy May 1st, BillionGravers! That’s right. It’s already May and you know what that means! We’ve made it to our most exciting month of the year. It’s warm outside, the trees are green, the flowers have bloomed, and it’s…
A State of Growth – 13 Million Records | 147,000 Users!
The BillionGraves team is proud to announce that we have reached 13,000,000 million GPS headstone records, and 147,022 users! This is a big milestone in growth of BillonGraves! Thanks to all the contributors around the world! For those of you who prefer to see stats in a pretty…
BillionGraves 2015 March Madness
It’s March again–and basketball fury’s in the air. The NCAA’s March Madness tournament has begun! U.S. College basketball might not be for you, so we’ve decided to host our own BillionGraves competition! It’s the “March 2015 BillionGraves Madness”! PRIZES: Top Prize: $50 Amazon Gift Card Top Two: Portable Device…