Hosting a Cemetery Service Project in 8 Easy Steps
Is your organization looking for a great service project? Look no further! With BillionGraves you can easily plan a meaningful cemetery service project in 8 easy steps! BillionGraves’ mission is to preserve the world’s cemeteries, one headstone at a time. Using the BillionGraves app, each…
5 Fun Service Activities for Youth
Youth will feel better about themselves and help their communities by giving service that will brighten someone’s day or strengthen their community. 10 Little Pennies When my husband was in medical school he was assigned to do an obstetrical rotation in Wichita, Kansas. We stayed…
10 Ways to Get Children Interested in Family History
What will happen to your family history collection when you turn the corner from being a researcher to being an ancestor? Will one of your children or grandchildren love family history like you do and take good care of it? My interest in family history…
5 Fun Fall Family Reunion Activities!
Did you have a family reunion over the summer? Or is it still on your “to do” list? Perhaps you had a family reunion and it was so much fun you are ready to do it again! As the color comes into the leaves and…
BillionGraves Golden Egg Week 1
BillionGraves Golden Egg Contest has officially begun! Week #1 To get things started off right, the clue to this week’s Golden Egg is going to be an easy one. If you have been following us on Facebook, [hint hint… go “like” us! 😉 ] you’ll…
Headstone Symbolism, Part 2
The holidays are always a time full of symbolism, both religious and secular, so I thought it would be a great time to publish Part 2 of our Headstone Symbolism series. I love discovering and thinking about deeper meanings behind symbols in our lives, I…