BillionGraves loves all of our users! To show how much we appreciate you, we are giving you (yes, everyone) a FREE BillionGraves Plus subscription for the month of
February! (For our users who have already purchased BillionGraves Plus, we’ll give you an extra month on your membership.)
Thank you for donating your time, efforts, and energy to the BillionGraves project!
During this month, be sure to take advantage of these special features. You can read about each of the features of BillionGraves Plus below or you can watch the BillionGraves Plus video to see what you’ll be getting!
Bookmark your favorite BillionGraves records and organize them into groups. This makes them easy to access later when you want to bring up their record quickly.
Here’s how you do it:
- Login to your BillionGraves account.
- Find the record you would like to mark as a “Favorite” (you can do this by clicking on the Search tab at the top of the BillionGraves homepage).
- Go to the top right hand corner and click on the black star.
- This will bring up a box where you can either put the image in an already existing category or create a new category.
- Click save!
How to access your favorites:
- Click on the Tools tab on the BillionGraves homepage.
- Click on “Favorites.”
- The list of all your bookmarked records in their categories will come up.
- Click on the name of the person whose record you want to see.
Record Watches
Get notified by email when a new record is added with a family name and location that matches your criteria. For instance, if you are interested in the Peterson line of your family that lived in Boston, Massachusetts, you could be notified when a new record is added that matches your criteria.
Here’s how you do it:
- Login to your BillionGraves account.
- Go to the Notifications tab on the BillionGraves homepage.
- Click on “Create Record Watch.”
- Type in the Surname you want to be notified of.
- Optionally, you can filter the records by location. Add a Country, State, County or City using the drop-down boxes.
- Click Save!
- When new records are added, a notification will be sent to your email.
Virtual Walkthrough / Nearby Records
Every wonder who was buried nearby a family plot? Now you can find out without leaving home. Just imagine what previously unknown relatives are waiting to be discovered!
Here’s how you do it:
- Login to your BillionGraves account.
- Go to a record that you want to “look around.” (Use the Search page or one of your Favorites)
- Click on the “Nearby Records” tab at the top of the page.
- Nearby records will be listed along the left edge. Click on one to take a closer look!
- The map on the right shows the location of the original record and the nearby record that you just clicked on. The orange pin is the original record and the bouncing blue pin is where the nearby record is located.
- To view the detailed page for nearby records, click on the blue name below the image box.
Thanks again for your participation and dedication! We love you!