BillionGraves Summer of More!

There is only a few weeks left this Summer and we can’t get enough. Like you, we want Summer to last as long as possible! With only a few weeks left in summer it means there are only a few weeks left of the BillionGraves Summer of More Vacation Getaway! There are still enough time to get out and win an amazing vacation anywhere in the world on our dime! So grab your phones and friends and head out to the cemetery!

Summer_of_More_2014_Large_ Promo_Photo_v1For those of you that need a refresher on the Summer of More promo; from July 1st through September 30th, the number of pictures you take and headstones you transcribe on a monthly basis will not only qualify you for the monthly prize giveaways AND the Pin Contest, but your grand total at the end of the summer will qualify you for the Summer of More Grand Prize – a 1-week vacation with 5-Star accommodations, anywhere in the world!* Read more below:

So, what else are we up to in September?

In August BillionGraves and MyHeritage were honored to be awarded the Presidential Citation award by FGS (Federation of Genealogical Societies) for our partnership in promoting the preservation of international burial locations! This is an incredible honor and thank FGS, MyHeritage, and of course our incredible volunteers that make it all happen!

View more about the award on MyHeritage’s blog HERE:


Some BIG changes coming to BillionGraves!

Keep an eye out for some incredible changes to BillionGraves in the weeks to come! Don’t want to spoil all the fun but there will be something for everyone with bug fixes, new features, new products, and enhancements! You are not going to want to miss out! So make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for all the newest releases!

Win the PinSeptember Pin - Copy

The Win the Pin contest with continue as normal – the top 50 photographers and the top 50 transcribers will win the pin for September! So make sure you are on the leaderboard so you don’t miss out on these collectors pins! This month’s pin turned out better than we imagined! The picture doesn’t give it justice! You will NOT want to miss this one!


Back to the Good Stuff…

As mentioned above, we’re giving away a 1-Week stay at a 5-Star Resort/Experience* anywhere in the world for the photographer and transcriber with the most photos and transcriptions between July 1 and September 30September 30.  That’s right, we aren’t just giving away 1 grand prize, we are giving away 2! One to the top photographer with over a 4 star rating and one to the top transcriber with over a 4 star rating!

So whether you prefer an all-inclusive resort in Taiwan, a private yacht through the British Isles, a week in the Swiss Alps, or your own private cabin in the Rockies, you’ll want to jump all over this! To view the available locations check out The Registry Collection HERE or check out some of the photos from the resorts below. (Enlarge the pictures by clicking on them) These aren’t the only resorts that are available. There are resorts literally all over the world!

BG Resort #2
BG Resort #2
BG Resort #5
BG Resort #5
BG Resort #6
BG Resort #6
BG Resort #3
BG Resort #3
BG Resort #1
BG Resort #1
BG Resort #4
BG Resort #4

The winners will have 1 year to schedule a date and location, keeping in mind that the location is subject to availability. The winners will work with the BillionGraves staff to find and schedule their trips. BillionGraves will cover the expense for the week long trip and all fees associated with booking the trip. The winners must pay for all additional expenses (travel, food, souvenirs for the BillionGraves staff :), etc.)

Rest assured, there will be more prizes and promotions during our Summer of More! Stay tuned to our Blog (Here), Facebook Page (Here) and Instagram (Here) to get all of the updates!

Make this summer your Summer of More with more chances to win. Good luck!

Some Helpful Tips

• Register! It’s 100% free and 100% necessary if you’re going to participate in this competition.

• Like us on Facebook! It’s simple to do and keeps you constantly up to date will all the new amazing things we are doing at BG!

• Make sure that you have the latest BillionGraves app. Check the iTunes App Store or Google Play for any updates for your device.

• Make it a habit. Go to the cemetery regularly—incorporate a local cemetery into your daily walk or bike ride, and snap some pictures along the way.

• The September Win the Pin Contest begins September 1, 2014 and ends September 30, 2014 @ 12:00 am GMT (That’s 6 pm MST)

• The Summer of More Grand Prize Contest begins July 1, 2014 and ends September 30, 2014 @ 12:00 am GMT (That’s 6 pm MST)

[info_box] A great way to reach your goal is to grab your friends and head out to the cemetery as a group!

The Summer of More promotion will be a individual and/or group effort. That means that you can get with your friends and family to upload more photos or transcribe more records. Some of the properties can hold 14-20 people! What better way to spend your next family reunion than by doing it with BillionGraves and enjoying an amazing vacation together! If everyone in the group logs their different devices into one account, your efforts will be combined, making it easier to hit your goal!

Note: Only one prize will be given per username. We will NOT combine usernames or accounts so make sure you do it all under the same username! [/info_box]

The Fine Print. (Cause we have to have fine print, right?)

  • All photos and transcriptions must be submitted before the closing date of Sept 30, 2014 @ 12:00 am GMT (That’s 6 pm MST). Any submissions after that point will be excluded from the final results.
  • This promotion is intended for photographers and transcribers. Let’s go outside!
  • Supporting records will NOT be counted towards the monthly totals. Only images that originate from the genuine BillionGraves apps will be accepted.
  • If you or another user marks a headstone picture as “bad” we deduct it from the uploader’s total images.
  • We reserve the right, and will actively, audit any winners accounts for good photos and transcriptions.
  • Good transcriptions are records that have ALL information accurately and fully transcribed. We will erase the record and have it re-transcribed if it’s not done correctly. Partial or incorrect transcriptions will be deducted from your total.
  • Good photos are photos that are in focus, readable, STRAIGHT ON (pictures not taken from extreme angles),  and fill the full picture. Just because a photo can be transcribed does NOT mean it is an acceptable photo. Proper technique must be used on all photos submitted.
  • In the off chance that we don’t have enough images to transcribe, GO TAKE PICTURES! We will allow both photos taken and transcriptions completed to count ONLY if there are not enough pictures to transcribe.
  • Make sure you have permission and are welcome to take pictures in your local cemetery before doing so. Remember, private cemeteries require permission of the owner before taking any pictures. No one likes a trespasser! Not cool!
  • This promotion is open to all to participate for free. Registration is required. (Register HERE. Come on.You know you want to. It’s free!) An individual 18 years of age or older are required to claim the prize.
  • More than one individual may contribute to a single account, however, the limit is one prize redemption per BillionGraves account. The prize will be claimed by only the username the combined work was completed under. BillionGraves will not arbitrate any disputes.  ALL RECORDS MUST BE UNDER ONE ACCOUNT. BILLIONGRAVES WILL NOT COMBINE ACCOUNTS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.
  • Items will ship in 6-8 weeks after contest closes for winners in the U.S. Please allow 8-12 for winners outside the U.S. However, our shipment robots are getting faster!
  • Due to current world-unrest, some areas may increase the amount of time it takes for prizes to be delivered.
  • Recipients will be required to provide a mailing address for physical items.
  • Winners will be required to provided completed tax forms for redemption of any prize.

Good luck this month! Be sure to keep your eyes on our social media for tips and exclusive offers on the promotion! FACEBOOK – INSTAGRAM 

-The BillionGraves Team

*See website for locations and availability. 600 “credits” through the Registry Collection will be allotted to each winner to use in their scheduling. Different locations and time of season will vary in “credits”. Any size room, location, and resort can be used as long as it is under the 600 credits. If not all 600 credits are used, the remaining credits are returned to BillionGraves. Winner must cover their own travel expenses including airfare, food(if not included in the resort already), and any other expense associated with the trip. Locations are subject to room availability and holiday/festival/high traffic constraints.