29 Mar 2025

Tag: winners


Veterans Day Giveaway Winners 

A big thank you to everyone who went out to military cemeteries throughout the country this last weekend and photographed veterans’ headstones. We had a very impressive amount of military images uploaded! We were so thrilled that so many of you took the time and…


OctoberFest Winners! 

Thanks to all who participated in our OctoberFest competition! We sure appreciate all you do! Below are the winners of this month’s giveaway. Please watch for an email in your inbox today requesting your name and address where you would like us to ship your prize….


September Showdown Winners! 

September showed us some great competition between our transcribers and our uploaders, but the transcribers stayed strong and pulled through with the win this time! Congratulations, transcribers! You will each receive a BillionGraves stressball and I’m sure you’ll need it after all the transcribing you’ve…


August Image Rush WINNERS! 

Congratulations to the winners of our August Image Rush! Top 3 Uploaders and winners of a BillionGraves fannypack: 1. OurFamilyBefore (20,648 images) + Amazon gift card winner! 2.Carolyn (18,947 images) 3. pmoreno65 (17,420 images) Top 12 Uploaders and winners of a BillionGraves backpack: 4. HickoryFlat (13,066 images) 5….

Announcements, Competitions

March Winners! 

Thank you everyone for participating in our March friendly competitions. We had 221,818 records uploaded with this month and 292,950 records transcribed! That puts this month in the top four record months of all time! We sure had fun watching the records pour in and the transcribers…