BillionGraves is proud to announce the addition of the Veteran Finder tool on BillionGraves! This unique feature utilizes the power of GPS to locate Veterans in cemeteries all over the world!

With the BillionGraves Veteran Finder tool, you can now find any Veteran of any US Conflict, Branch, or Rank, anywhere in the world. (International military information coming soon) You can search by specific names, locations, cities, or search the entire county to identify and honor the brave men and women who fought in the name of freedom.
To use the BillionGraves’ Veteran Finder tool follow the steps below:
- Log into your BillionGraves account: (
- Make sure you have an active subscription to BillionGraves Plus. Upgrade to BG+ today if you haven’t already. (
- Search and navigate to your cemetery of choice using the blue “Search BillionGraves” button found on the top right corner of any page, as seen below. ( In this example we have chosen the Salt Lake City Cemetery.
- On the cemetery page, scroll down to the map section and click on the BG+ icon in the top right corner.
- This will now populate a full-screen map of the cemetery. In this case, it is the Salt Lake City Cemetery. Click on the Veteran Search Tab and then on the “Show Veterans” toggle. (As shown below)
- Using the options below, choose which Conflict, Branch, or Rank to search by. In this case, we have Selected World War 2 as the conflict and the Air Force as the Branch. For now, we will leave the Rank empty. Remember, start your search large and use the filters to help you narrow in your results. If you don’t see any results, try removing one of the filters or refining your search. When ready, click on “Show Veterans”!
- This will now search the cemetery you have chosen for all veterans with the criteria you selected. In this case, this map is of all the Air Force Veterans who served in World War 2
- You will also see a list on the left side of the screen that shows you all the details for each of the results. You can scroll through this list, selecting on any individual to expand their profile. You will also see that when you click on a result it will highlight their location on the map with a BLUE pin.
- You can also use the additional filters above to search by exact name, dates and by location. You can look at all the veterans in not just a cemetery, but the entire city, or county.
- NOTE: Load times will vary depending on the cemetery and how big of an area you are searching. For example, if you are looking in a national cemetery that has hundreds of thousands of veterans it may take a few moments to properly search. Especially if you are searching an entire city or county, it can take a little bit to search through all of that data! Be patient, the results are worth the wait!
- Here is all of the Air Force Colonel’s who served in World War 2 inside of Salt Lake County.
- NOTE: Use the “RANK” filter with caution. As not all headstones use the same abbreviations for any particular rank. For example, “Col” can return results for Colonel but also be Lieutenant Colonel because of how some stones are transcribed. If you do find an error in a transcription, please be courteous to others who search after you and update the record properly.
The combinations and discoveries are endless! Play around with the different filters, locations, to explore and honor millions of Veterans from around the world from the comfort of your home! You never know what stories you will find on the headstones of these courageous men and women.
We will continue to expand this feature to handle other country’s military information in the future. Our goal is to honor and preserve ALL nations veterans. If you have information about specific country military veterans, symbols, abbreviations, ranks, conflicts etc… please contact us at We would love your assistance and expertise in identifying and displaying these incredible individuals.